kreative blogger award

I want to thank Liane from Enhabiten for nominating me for a kreativ blogger award! I'm a little behind in posting this - this week has been absolutely crazy busy. But now I am calmly sipping coffee so I will tell you seven things about myself and nominate seven other bloggers for this award.

1. I have a slight obsession with music from the 30s and 40s - the cheesier the better. Right now I'm listening to the Andrews Sisters.

2. I have a split personality when it comes to clutter. On one hand I get agitated when the house is messy and full of stuff, but on the other hand I am usually too lazy to tidy up and have a compulsion for yard saling, thrifting and other means of finding and collecting cool old junk to fill up the house. Frustrating.

3. I love the movie Charade, alot. I mean, I could watch it every week (and sometimes I do)

4. I finally saw Julie and Julia the other day, after everybody else already has, and I loved it! I know many people said that Julie was a bit whiney, which she was, but I could definitely relate to her frustration. Sometimes I want to just sit on the kitchen floor and cry when things don't go right. I'm definitely more of a Julie though I wish I were more of a Julia.

5. I have, and am wearing, a pair of bright orange socks with MCM furniture all over them.

6. I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I take belly dance classes and occasionally perform - though, usually at libraries and nursing homes.

7. My family seems to think that I have a very good sense of color and are always asking my advice when choosings paint colors, yet I am completely unable to choose them for myself.

Here are the seven bloggers who I am nominating for this award:


Jean Martha said…
Oh wow! Thank you! My head is crammed so far up my buttinscki this week that I didn't see the link. Oy.

Thank you!
Samantha said…
Thanks so much.

I'm totally with you on point 2. And the belly dancing in nursing homes cracked me up.
Unknown said…
"2. I have a split personality when it comes to clutter. On one hand I get agitated when the house is messy and full of stuff, but on the other hand I am usually too lazy to tidy up and have a compulsion for yard saling, thrifting and other means of finding and collecting cool old junk to fill up the house. Frustrating."

OH my hosh - this is EXACTLY me. Just found your site through SFgirlbybay and I'm really enjoying it!

Here are some of my favorite thrifting finds from last season - I'm gearing up to get under way and get my scavange on - just need New England to decide it's officially spring!
bsmithhill said…
I ADORE the movie Charade! Introduced to it by my grandmother when I was young--expected to hate it--love it!

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