Kitchen Therapy
I haven't shown pictures of the kitchen in our new house, well... because we haven't really done anything with it since we moved in. I mean, we've filled all the cabinets and cook in there most nights a week, but we haven't really personalized it except for a few decorative items on the counters and my old italian restaurant menu on the wall. It has a bizarre layout where you have to walk around a peninsula to get to the fridge and there isn't nearly enough drawer space. The walls are a pastel yellow, the cabinets are a yellowy colored wood and the vinyl flooring has a creamy tan pattern on it yet the room doesn't feel warm. You'd think with all that yellow, there would be an element of coziness.
Starting this week The Kitchn over at Apartment Therapy is starting a mini four week kitchen cure while the rest of AT is doing the full on 8 week cure. I signed up because I'd like to get our kitchen to be a little more personal and attractive (and efficient) while we are saving up to do a real renovation (which doesn't appear to be happening any time soon). Plus, I have a hard time making it to the end of the 8 week cures.
down below is the pots and pans cabinet that is a pain to get things in and out of
most of those dishes are clean
my tea cabinet
spices and "pantry" cabinet
cookbooks and pyrex
baking stuff, small appliances etc.
the table we rarely eat at
Starting this week The Kitchn over at Apartment Therapy is starting a mini four week kitchen cure while the rest of AT is doing the full on 8 week cure. I signed up because I'd like to get our kitchen to be a little more personal and attractive (and efficient) while we are saving up to do a real renovation (which doesn't appear to be happening any time soon). Plus, I have a hard time making it to the end of the 8 week cures.
Here are my "before" pictures showing the current condition of the kitchen and the inside of the cabinets. They aren't too terrible, but I feel like they could be arranged more efficiently. Also, I'd like to have a better stocked pantry so that it's easier to spontaneously cook something with out having to go shopping first.
Well this is what we have to start with. I'd like to spruce it up a bit. Nothing major, maybe just a little paint and decoration. I'll see what sort of inspiration pics I can pull together.
But if your kitchen is the wooden one with all the doors open--I'd suggest getting lighter coloured pulls. I'm not exactly sure what: maybe even black. But something distinctive. It's a quick , painless fix (make sure you measure and get the same size for the holes to attach so you won't have to drill new ones--THAT's a pain!). Just tossing out ideas.