Decisions, Decisions
Since I'm getting close to being done with the kitchen I need to get around to picking a fabric to cover the cushions on the kitchen chairs- that and ordering the food canisters that I want from BB&B. I have sort of an odd color scheme in the kitchen, I guess I have sort of an odd color scheme everywhere actually. The kitchen is a combination of fifties vintage items mostly accented with red, some bakelite stuff in red, mustard and olive green and the lovely (heavy sarcasm here) mauve 1980's countertop and backsplash that I have been blessed with. I alternate between wanting something darker and brownish to just blend with the wood chair to wanting something really fun since it is a kitchen. I love Amy Butler's patterns (as does everyone else) but her colors never seem to go with mine. Any suggestions?
But, I also like the red with white polka dots if the first is too dark!
(suziegoombs from AT)
I like the polka dots, too, but I realized you'll have too many pops of red competing for attention if you go that route. It will look cluttered, not soothing.