Decisions, Decisions

Since I'm getting close to being done with the kitchen I need to get around to picking a fabric to cover the cushions on the kitchen chairs- that and ordering the food canisters that I want from BB&B. I have sort of an odd color scheme in the kitchen, I guess I have sort of an odd color scheme everywhere actually. The kitchen is a combination of fifties vintage items mostly accented with red, some bakelite stuff in red, mustard and olive green and the lovely (heavy sarcasm here) mauve 1980's countertop and backsplash that I have been blessed with. I alternate between wanting something darker and brownish to just blend with the wood chair to wanting something really fun since it is a kitchen. I love Amy Butler's patterns (as does everyone else) but her colors never seem to go with mine. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said…
I really like the fabric in the bottom right corner because I think it looks so pretty:

But, I also like the red with white polka dots if the first is too dark!

(suziegoombs from AT)
J-fer Rose said…
I also like the one in the lower right hand corner. But if you don't pick that one, I'd say pick another one that has a lot of prominent red.
Alana in Canada said…
My favourite is on the bottom, second from the left. It's got a touch of mauvey/pink which will help with the cabinets, and the rust and red will look good with the wood. In fact, I like this so much, I'd recommend getting enough to make curtains out of it too. That would also help unify the room. Then pick out towels and such from the colours in the fabric.

I like the polka dots, too, but I realized you'll have too many pops of red competing for attention if you go that route. It will look cluttered, not soothing.

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