Style Quizzes

Glamorous Eclectic I think

Many of you may have already seen this on AT, but there are a couple of fun style quizzes out there on the interwebs. I just took Home Goods Style Scope and Sproost quizzes and they are pretty good. I think the Sproost one hit the nail on the head a bit more than the Style Scope According to Style Scope I'm "Glamorous Eclectic." I agree with the eclectic part and with their recommendations for creating an outdoor room and my need to organize, not so sure about the glamorous part. Though I do tend to be drawn to very elegant rooms (not neccessarily furnishings) with high ceilings, panel mouldings on the walls and tall windows.

According to Sproost I'm:
"44% Vintage Modern
33% Cottage Chic
23% Rustic Revival"
Vintage Modern
I think that's pretty spot on. Also shows how I'm not overwhelmingly one style. If I were 90% of any style I think I'd have an easier time avoiding collecting things that don't really go or that I don't really need. Oh well.


Samantha said…
Oh my. I just took the Sproost test and I'm exactly 33 percent of three styles.

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