
I usually try not to post too many images from other blogs- partly because I figure you've seen them already and partly because figuring out the original source of an image can be a real pain in the a**. This bathroom however, was too awesome not to share with you. It's from a house call over at Apartment Therapy. I love the vintage tile and the wallpaper that arches right over the ceiling, plus the orange robe (?) hanging from the door completes the 1920s color scheme.


Gayle said…
Hello! It's me......the other Vintage Green.........or rather ..
A Vintage Green Life.....

Just stopping by to say hey....
really like your blog!
I would kill to have my bathroom look like this! I totally agree with you, the decor of this room is gorgeous.

SWEATshirt DRESSshirt

P.S. I'm giving away an Infiniti curler and $25 to Sephora on my blog. I would love it if you could check it out!
Love + Cake said…
It's gorgeous! Kind of wish it was my bathroom! <3
Unknown said…
I love that the owners of this home left the original bathroom intact. So many people out that old tile instead of working with it.

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